US Congressman Paul Cook Honors
Wild Lemon Project Founder Jessica Wyland

Jessica Wyland

photo by Micah Escamilla

It is a surprise and an honor to receive the 2013 Women of Distinction Award from Congressman Paul Cook.

I believe this affirms the work we are all doing to embrace and nurture art and literature in our community. 

We started the Wild Lemon Project because we believe that the San Bernardino Valley is home to many talented writers and artists.

I believe our local writers and artists need events and venues and social media to support and promote their work.

Most importantly, I believe that if we come together as a community of creative people, we can do great things. We can share ideas.

We can spread the love and peace that comes from feeling connected through art and literature.

I grew up in San Bernardino. I earned a journalism degree from USC and then worked as a local newspaper journalist for 10 years. For the past 5 years I have worked as a marketing writer.  

I have lived and traveled elsewhere--to cities and countries known as art and literature hubs--and I can honestly attest that the people of the San Bernardino Valley have as much, if not more, literary heart and artistic chops as anyone else, anywhere else.